My Brown chinese geese are laying every other day and bator is full


12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
Newnan, Georgia
ANyone need some goose eggs ? I have 4 fresh eggs and they are fertile. I have some in the bator now. Intrested in buying or swapping ? I think $6.00 fo the 4 eggs is a more than fair price plus shipping . I don't want them to be chicken food !!!!
I'd love some! Let me know if they are still available. After reading the thread on here about the chinese geese I so desperately want some.
Of coarse I Need them like I need anotehr whole in my head.
If you get more, I can swap you some quail eggs if you're interested.
I'm having gosling withdrawals lol
I was reading that the china, brown and white geese are GREAT layers, I guess this is true huh? How gentle are they?
They are very gentle !! They will come right up to us . I finally just let her be today and gave her 4 eggs . Silly Goose we will know in 28 days if she is gonna be a good first time Mom.
Friend2Fowl got your eggs just in time !! they went out today so all I had to put under her was DUCK EGGS !!!! Recon she will know the difference???

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