My buff orp may be sick

Poop pictures are welcome. I would recheck her crop in the morning, and tell us if it is empty and flat, full and puffy/soft, hard, or doughy. How old is she, and does she normally lay eggs? Gurgling can sometimes be a result of crop contents coming back up into the throat and airway, if there is a crop problem or if the crop is accidentally squeezed during handling.
Thank you! I think the gurgling was due to handling while we worked on her backside her head was below her body and maybe my husband held her too snuggly. I don’t know if she is laying or not. I thought so but then today our smallest hen layer an egg and I thought she was the one that wasn’t laying. I know I read an article on this site regarding the difference in vents between a layer and a non layer. I will follow up tomorrow. Till then, fingers crossed🤞
So here’s my sick chick today. She is at least standing and moving around slowly. I got a bit of a cluck hello, but unsure why the loose, yellow and black stool. I gave her a little glob of yogurt, she looked at it but didn’t go for it yet. I will pick up some form calcium today for her. If we don’t feel the full crop should we still keep giving her the docusate? Thanks for any and all suggestions!
How’s she today?
About the same, she comes out, walks around but is now back up in the coop. Her crop doesn’t seem to be the problem now. I’m wondering if something else is wrong. She will be a year old in May but may be the one that hasn’t started laying yet. They are all the same age but really took a long time to start laying eggs and one still isn’t. I don’t think I feel anything hard between her vent and legs. She is at least drinking water today!
Today is the first day since I first reported a sick chicken, that she actually joined the group to race for meal worms! Can’t tell you how happy I was to see this.
We have given her two sits baths to clean her vent and surrounding area of liquid yellow and black poo. She looks like she is getting a bit messy again🙁. It sure puts her in a tailspin when we bring her in but there is no way she could clean that up herself.
We are still getting only one egg a day, some times none when it used to be two pretty regularly. Will certainly keep a close eye on her/them. We only have three and had talked about getting two more. Will have to see how this goes. Thanks again for all the advice! I do have the pedialite in one water container and plain in the other.
Today is the first day since I first reported a sick chicken, that she actually joined the group to race for meal worms! Can’t tell you how happy I was to see this.
We have given her two sits baths to clean her vent and surrounding area of liquid yellow and black poo. She looks like she is getting a bit messy again🙁. It sure puts her in a tailspin when we bring her in but there is no way she could clean that up herself.
We are still getting only one egg a day, some times none when it used to be two pretty regularly. Will certainly keep a close eye on her/them. We only have three and had talked about getting two more. Will have to see how this goes. Thanks again for all the advice! I do have the pedialite in one water container and plain in the other.
How is she doing now?
How is she doing now?
She recovered for about 5 days then kinda stayed to herself again for a day or two and now seems to be just fine again. She will be a year old on Monday and still isn’t laying🤷‍♀️ The co-op girls figure it’s still too cold 40s during the day and 30s at night, to count on them laying most days. I have no vets around my area to take her to. So we just keep her clean r/t occasional diarrhea versus liquid egg? Thanks for asking!

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