my chick got scratched by a cat and it seems as though he may have broke his leg .

story of 5

In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 4, 2013
The chick does have a laceration on his leg and I have cleaned the cut with peroxide. But he's not using his leg at all. Not even his toes. I've seperated him from the other chicks so they won't pick on him, but I'm not sure what I can do about his leg. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I hatched these chicks to replace the bird that got mauled by the neighbors dog so its survival is extremely important to me. The chicks are only 4 days old .
I forgot to mention that the cut is on the chicks thigh, t its not and extremely long cut, about2 centimeters I guess.
Its possible that the scratch injured some nerves and/or tendons in the leg, which is causing the leg to be paralyzed. Injuries to the leg tend to do that; I'm dealing with an injury in an older bird's leg right now that temporarily paralyzed the leg (he still hasn't healed 100%, and may never). Given some rest, the your chick's leg may regain its use, but if the damage is severe, there is nothing you can do. I would keep the wound clean, make sure the chick is warm, eats, and drinks, and just hope for the best.
The attack and resulting injury could have damaged his leg's nerves temporarily, or crushed it a bit.Keep the scratch clean; you may want to put some antibiotic ointment like Neopsporin on (but don't use anything with ingredients ending in "caine/cain") on. Give some vitamins to help strengthen the leg. B vitamins and calcium are especially helpful. If you have some, give some electrolytes and probiotics to help the chick get over the stressful experience. With rest, he may recover.

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