My Chick is Scared of Me!

Chickens Are Cute

In the Brooder
Sep 20, 2017
The United States
This is my first time owning chicks, and One of them, Abigail, seems to be scared of me, and others too. Whenever anyone picks her up, she begins to panic. Her wings flutter like crazy and she chirps loudly. Will she warm up to us? Will she continue to be this way? I would really appreciate it if you guys can help me with this!
I agree with hand feeding, and if you can let them free range while your outside sit in a chair read a book this way they get use to use and know that you are a good source of food. That is what we have done with ours (this is our first go at chickens). I would say in general most chickens don't like to be picked up
When I go out side all my chickens come running over expecting a treat sometimes they get one sometimes they don't. I enjoy chicken watching so I'll sit out side with them and they will normally come over to check me out and hangout. The other day I had one jump in my lap and settle down. That was a first
chicks normally scream when you pick them up. one thing i find that helps tame them down in hand feeding but it depends on the breed/chick.
Thanks for the replies! I will definitely be trying these ideas! :thumbsup I was also wondering at what age you could move chicks to their coop. I know my chicks are still to young, but it never hurts to know!

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