My Chicken Artwork. What do my Fellow BYC'ers think?

Here are some doodles I did today during class.

Some expressions of a parrot

Mother hen with her babies

Gossiping hens. What do you think they are talking about?

Fighting roosters. I don't encourage pruposful fighting but the rooster is such a beautiful animal. It's fighting spirit fascinates me.

A little naked neck hen
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This one is my favorite out of today. I was drawing a peacock and standing back to look at it reminded me of the Looney Toons Marshin man. So I decided to draw an alien peacock abducting "alien Life forms" AKA chickens. The little chickens on the tree eating made me laugh with it's "Who Me??" look.
@Rollkeeg877- Cool! Does he have any online to look at or is it just a home hobby?

@RavenWood - I am hopefully getting the prices for prints today from my print center and will soon post prices for most of the art shown. I'll keep everyone posted on that :).

Found some more Chicken artwork laying around. Enjoy! I found some finished pieces of The Little Red hen story. Have to go convert the files then I'll throw those up too.

Here is the development of a chicken egg. I wanted to do the whole development but the project rules restricted me to only 9 illustrations.

I know this one is not a chicken piece but it is a piece that I really like. I was doing a study on bettas and loved the show of movement of the first swimming.

Very old piece from high school

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