My chicken coop and pen.


11 Years
Oct 4, 2008
The roof hangs over the back of the coop to give a dry storage space. And I put a gutter and 55gal barrel to catch rain water, to water my Chickens.

Rain water chicken water

Items needed;
55gal barrel
water faucet
2 rubber washers
2 metal washers
2 flat Nut
rain gutter with 2 caps, & drain spout
wire screen
self chicken water
Length of hose with female threads fittings at both ends.
2 concert blocks

Drill a whole the diameter of the threads of the faucet, 5 inches from the bottom of the 55gal barrel. Insert metal washer and then rubber washer on faucet, insert faucet through the hole in 55gal barrel. On the threads of the faucet that is inside the barrel place the rubber washer then the metal washer. Next tighten the nut on the threads of the faucet.
In other words it should be: insert metal washer, rubber washer on faucet threads. next; insert faucet into hole drilled five inches from bottom of barrel. Now; insert rubber washer, metal washer, on faucet threads that is sticking thought hole in barrel. Tighten nut onto faucet threads, this should seal your barrel from leaking and you should have a faucet sticking out of your barrel five inches from the bottom of barrel.

Put up gutter on your Chicken coop just as you would for your home. [This is very easy to do.]

Place your barrel on concert blocks under your gutter drain spout. Place the screen over top of barrel and saucer it with bungee straps so it will not come off. [This is to keep out bugs and leafs from the barrel.]

Connect water hose to faucet and to auto water. Fill barrel and your good to go.

In this photo you’ll see a side access door




The floor in my coop is about 3 foot off the ground, and is a small gauge wire to keep snakes and other predators out, and the poop fall to the ground where I can shovel it up. It also makes it cooler in the summer and with a layer of hay makes it warm in the winter.

This photo is the pen, self water, and the Chickens around there feeder.

In this photo is the nesting box access doors.

This is on of my girls
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Hey Ottoman - cool water barrel - that is using your noggin!

I like your coop and your girls too.
jan la banan
Yeah, a barrel like that would be great for my coop too! And how about that rooster checking things out......looks like the local building inspector with a smile on his face!! Great Job!
I am interested in something like this myself. I have some questions about mosquito's however. How do you keep the mosquito larvae out of the water. I have heard to drop goldfish in there...but would the goldfish waste be bad for the chickens to drink? We have an aweful mosquito problem here in NC I can only imagine you have the same in Fla
The screen keeps out the mosquito, the gold fish waste don’t hurt the chickens [see what chickens eat, lol] but the waste clogs the small hole in the automatic water. I have used 3 table spoons of bleach before and that don’t hurt the chickens, or for a more natural way use vinegar. this kill the larva. But I have found that the screen works.
There not 4 months old yet. But right now there are 8 rosters and 7 hens. But in another month there will be 7 hens 1 roster.
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