My chicken has runny poo, tail down, weak, please help.

Is she drinking any water? If her crop still feels full, but you don't think she's eaten anything today, then you might consider she has an impacted or "sour" crop. There's quite a number of threads on BYC about that, just type "impacted crop" or "sour crop" in the search box.

I her crop is not full, eliminate that possibility and move on to checking to see if she is "egg bound." Search for that term for lots of good advice on how to diagnose it and how to treat.

Like I said, you need to do a little more investigation to try and narrow down the large number of possible ailments. In the meantime, go to the grocery store and purchase a bottle of Pedialyte and give that to her instead of plain water. It contains both sugar for energy, electrolytes, and will help keep her hydrated. Feed her only "soft" foods like yogurt, boiled or scrambled egg chopped fine, baby cereal made with Pedialyte or plain water. If you decide to try antibiotics, Aerosmith99 suggested starting her on Tylan 50. It may not help, but it won't hurt her either.

Post again if you come up with anymore symptoms/clues.
ok, i went to my IFA and bought "Tylosin." the employee told me a company bought out "Tylan" and renamed the product this, but iots the same thing. they didnt have 50, so i got 200 mg. i also have some needles. how many CC's should i give? i also got store-brand pedialyte and plain yogurt. please let me know on the dosage! and i also have no idea where to inject the shot. can someone tell me?
just had the person who runs my IFA say i shouldnt give them shots, and instead get some antibiotics that you mix in the water. i guess we will try that
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If you wish to inject the Tylan 200, here's a recommended dose from "Cuda" at Stevens Poultry Farm on a 2008 thread:

"Tylan is a very good respiratory antibiotic, and usually when bubbles show up in the eyes, it is from a respiratory problem. I use Tylan 200, and inject a 1/4 cc in the breast for three days in a row, in different spots of the breast, and just under the skin. You should see signs of this improving after the first day of treatment."

I would use the Pedialyte instead of plain water, even if you decide to add the Chlortetracycline.

P.S. Just a word to the wise - the moderators tend to get a bit testy about bumping these threads. Instead of just bumping, you should try to give all of us a little more info about your bird each time you post. Is her crop full? Can you feel an egg? Any poo yet? Give us something...we're just shootin' in the dark here.
we couldnt find any clorotetra-whatever its called. should i still use the tylan/tylosin. she isnt eating or drinking that i know of, which is another reason we didnt get the stuff you put in water. when i put lettuce in she didnt look at it, she just stayed bunched up. when i held it in front of her she looked but didnt eat. she also didnt lay an egg today, so maybe ill check for egg bound again

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