My chicken has splayed legs.


Mar 27, 2016
My baby rooster has what looked like bowleggs. He walk okay, but it looks painful, but he's able to get to food and water. He walks for a few and then lays down and eats. I'm worried that this is painful for him, and I just don't want him to suffer.
I started a thread around 2 weeks ago. I have 2 chicks (out of 6) with splayed legs. I was told to give them enfamil polyvisol baby vitamins without iron. I gave the vitamins for the last 10 days and they are doing better. Their legs are not perfect, but they are straighter and they are not staggering around like they were. In fact I have to look closely at their legs to identify the affected chicks. I am very happy that they are doing better.

This is what his legs look like
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This is what his legs look like

I am by no means an expert and have not much experience with chickens, but you could try. However, I would think that a 6 month old chicken is nearly full grown and it may be too late to make a significant change. But then again, if it's a recent vitamin deficiency, it may help. Has your rooster's legs been like this for a while or is it a new thing? That might be a clue to if vitamins might work.
Its a new think, its been like this for a few days, and it worse in the morning, but when it gets warmer and he has been walking a little bit, its a little better. I'm going to get him some vitamins, and see how it goes for him
It seems like leg problems are fairly common in backyard chickens. I'm glad they are doing better. It's nice today so they are in the chicken run having a good time eating grass and being in the sun. Hopefully they can go in the coop soon permanently!
We are getting them a bigger run this weekend, so they can have so more space. My first rooster never had any issues, besides on of his spurs coming off. But these guys, came from the chicken factory, after they fell off the truck and where left outside in freezing weather. But I'm feeding him more iron and helping him walk, so hopefully he gets better

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