My chicken is acting weird.... what's wrong with her?


9 Years
Oct 3, 2010
My Dad found our BO lying outside the coop last night, way past the time they usually go in. Oddly enough, she's usually the first one in at night. My dad picked her up, inspected her, making sure she didn't have any open wounds and stuff like that, which she didnt. So he just put her to bed. This morning he found her just sitting there in the coop. She's alive, but she's not moving around like all the others. My dad and I were thinking we should put her in a box in the garage and watch her. So... what could it be?
Perhaps she is eggbound?
There is a lot of info on this site about it.
Why not do a search and see if the symptoms sound like they "fit"?

Good Luck
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