My chicken is sleeping on the ground


Jun 3, 2020
I just put my chickens to bed and saw that one was on the ground. I put her back up on the roost. I did some research and she could be sleeping on the ground because the coop is dirty (which mine is; it hasnt been cleaned in two weeks, yes I know SUPER dirty I will clean it tomorrow :( ) Is this the case? Could their be any other reasons for sleeping on the ground? It could also be could but I dont think so. Any thoughts?
I just put my chickens to bed and saw that one was on the ground. I put her back up on the roost. I did some research and she could be sleeping on the ground because the coop is dirty (which mine is; it hasnt been cleaned in two weeks, yes I know SUPER dirty I will clean it tomorrow :( ) Is this the case? Could their be any other reasons for sleeping on the ground? It could also be could but I dont think so. Any thoughts?
Check her for mites.
I just put my chickens to bed and saw that one was on the ground. I put her back up on the roost. I did some research and she could be sleeping on the ground because the coop is dirty (which mine is; it hasnt been cleaned in two weeks, yes I know SUPER dirty I will clean it tomorrow :( ) Is this the case? Could their be any other reasons for sleeping on the ground? It could also be could but I dont think so. Any thoughts?
I'm not a genius in chickens, it could be because it's dirty or, maybe you have too many in the coop?

Hope you find an answer that's helpful
I just put my chickens to bed and saw that one was on the ground. I put her back up on the roost. I did some research and she could be sleeping on the ground because the coop is dirty (which mine is; it hasnt been cleaned in two weeks, yes I know SUPER dirty I will clean it tomorrow :( ) Is this the case? Could their be any other reasons for sleeping on the ground? It could also be could but I dont think so. Any thoughts?

Are you going out to put them to bed before it gets totally dark? Chickens can't see in the dark and she may not be able to get on the roost. Go out at dusk and put her up. Put her in the same spot every time. Chickens are creatures of habit. Make good habits for them. Might that a week or more to get her in the habit. You'll be glad you did now before it gets too cold. Good luck. Every night until she gets it.
My baby chickens went outside not long back and I have to force them inside their coop (It's only a small 4ft thing with run included as they're only small and it helps them get used to being outside)

But every night they choose to sleep outside the coop if I don't force them to go inside and lock them in, they're learning, sadly haven't learned to stay in there at night so I've had to brick the door closed.

It's correct though they are creatures of habit so I agree, put them to bed if you have to, it will help x
My baby chickens went outside not long back and I have to force them inside their coop (It's only a small 4ft thing with run included as they're only small and it helps them get used to being outside)

But every night they choose to sleep outside the coop if I don't force them to go inside and lock them in, they're learning, sadly haven't learned to stay in there at night so I've had to brick the door closed.

It's correct though they are creatures of habit so I agree, put them to bed if you have to, it will help x

I don't know where you are located but if it gets cold there in January you'll be glad that they get in on their own. Trust me. It's all part of chicken raising. Every night, same spot. Habit.
I just put my chickens to bed and saw that one was on the ground. I put her back up on the roost. I did some research and she could be sleeping on the ground because the coop is dirty (which mine is; it hasnt been cleaned in two weeks, yes I know SUPER dirty I will clean it tomorrow :( ) Is this the case? Could their be any other reasons for sleeping on the ground? It could also be could but I dont think so. Any thoughts?
Need to know their age, in weeks or months?
How many birds total?
Dimensions and pics of coop(inside and out) and run, in feet by feet.

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