
In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2019
So, my two year old chicken went blind about six months ago after hitting her head. I was taking care of her, she was eating and drinking on her own, but still had head injury because of that. Well, about three weeks ago she flew out of the grazing pen that I would leave her in so she could eat grass, and was attacked by a peacock. He pecked her on the head, and she seemed a little dazed. She didn't eat for a couple of days, until I gave her oatmeal, which she loved. But, she started to carry her head to a certain direction and not eating as well. Now, she twists it uncomfortably and I have to force feed her. She can't grip with her feet and has to always be against a hard surface or she'll freak out. She also seems to do only what I would call 'spaz out', where she'll freak out and start twisting and flapping. I have to hold her down when I see her do this. Recently, I've noticed her face get really red whenever I hold her. Is there anything I can do to help her? Should I have hope or put her down? I don't want her to suffer.
I've been giving her rooster booster mixed in with her food. I don't give more than a pinch because I don't want to hurt her with it. I heard from a friend with a similar chicken problem that vitamin B is good to give them too. And she always gets spoken to nicely and I try to be relaxed whenever I have her with me because I have to hold her tight and don't want her to feel bad.

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