My Chicken Processing Setup


🥇Ukraine 🥇
5 Years
Nov 5, 2018
Tolland County Connecticut, USA
Wanted to share a few photos of our poultry processing setup.

This is the killing area “stump”.
We wack and then drop them into the cones to hold the bird snug.
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Scalding and Plucker area.
Strongly recommend the yardbird for backyard setups.
Eviscerating table is a must have. This built in sink and faucet for $50 is a great buy. The fan is great at keeping the flies away and me cool. Next to the fan is my spray bottle cleaning solution of about 15% liquid pool shock to water mix. I use a canopy to cover/shade the area when we get started.
My homemade drying rack once done and just before we shrink bag them.
Yes folks as you can see on the table we do enjoy a “few” drinks while processing!!
Hope you enjoyed


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Love the 'cone stump'....wonder tho, how is it cleaning that tarp out?
Also why 'dry' the carcasses instead of chilling them in an ice bath?
How long do they 'dry?

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My Poultry Processing Setup!
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Love the 'cone stump'....wonder tho, how is it cleaning that tarp out?
Also why 'dry' the carcasses instead of chilling them in an ice bath?
How long do they 'dry?
The Blue bag goes into trash after I am done no need to clean. It’s not a tarp it’s an old balloon that is used under a pool cover in the winter. Last time I used a feed bag.

The birds do go into a cooler/ice bath once done cleaning. After we are done with everything I pull them out of the cooler and let them drip off on the “drying rack” before I slip the shrink bags over them. It’s not really to dry them just to let them drip off after being in the cooler before packaging.

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