My chicken sang the egg song!

Waiting for the first eggs from each girl are so excruciating! I have 1 that stopped laying after 1 in my flock died. Then 1 started up 2 weeks after squatting and a week of telling us that she's about to start laying. OMG her first 3 eggs you would think I was killing her how loud she was. Now she's getting quieter about it.

And 2 more of my ee's started squatting, 1 very loud and obnoxious. My rooster has been getting it on with everyone in the flock, even my little 16 week old polish. She doth protest much about it.

I wonder what a polish hen covered by a favorelle x wellsummer x light brahma would look like? A crested bearded tufted crested chicken?
Once the eggs are gathered up when can they be eaten?
You can cook and eat them right away. I have heard, however, that if you want to hard boil them you should let them set for 24 hours. Don't know why but that is what I have heard. I often gather the first few eggs in the a.m. and have them for breakfast either fried or scrambled. Just a suggestion though. When you crack open the eggs do it into a small bowl. If the egg is o.k. then pour it into a larger bowl and do the next egg the same way. Nothing is worse than having six eggs in a bowl and the seventh if really bloody and spoils all the others.
first post here. My leghorns are 19 weeks. Lots of squawking but no egg song yet. They are pretty massive at this point with fluffy combs that are beet red. Just a matter of time ?
Jtn that is excellent advice!!

Fresh hard boiled eggs are difficult to peel, I just kinda tap them along tge sink to crack thier shell and cool off in cold water and they slide off my freshest eggs.

I have a 17 going on 18 week old rose comb leghorn, not egg songing yet though... but word is leghorns start laying pretty early compared to other breeds.

I have mostly ee's & an ameracuana that doesn't fall into sop so she's an ee too lol. And a polish, and the rose comb leghorn... and my rooster. He definitely helps keep everyone in line. He obviously favors the ones he mates with though, except my polish he's sooo in loce with. The 5 big girls fawn all over Lenny, the littler ones hang together in tight formation.

sooo cute! ! I love chicken tv all day every day. At night I want to go open thier coop and hug them and kiss them, but don't. I even talk about my chickens in my sleep and am officially a crazy chicken lady!

the bad thing is I have this chocolate idiot cake in my fridge, with a 2 layer carrot cake and a 3 layer coconut cake, so yeah I wish I didn't bake as much. Or my friends would come over in hordes and eat them. I suspect by Saturday the cakes will be all gone though.

the bad thing is I have this chocolate idiot cake in my fridge, with a 2 layer carrot cake and a 3 layer coconut cake, so yeah I wish I didn't bake as much. Or my friends would come over in hordes and eat them. I suspect by Saturday the cakes will be all gone though.
If you haven't tried it yet get some duck eggs and use them when you bake. The difference is surprising. I have 24 ducks and do a lot of baking also and since starting to use duck eggs I think I am actually baking twice as often as before.
Oh no!! That won't do if I baked MORE! !
my fridge last night before o started making a 3 layer gluten free coconut cake.

I tried using turkey eggs in my gelato recently. It was ok.. might try duck. Since there's a swap this weekend and I'm dying to get baby chicks. To keep the other gonna be baby chickers in a friends incubator company. Chicken math.
Double Kindness I too am known as the crazy chicken lady! My neighbours walking their dogs find it highly hilarious that I sit with them with my cupa first thing and tell them my plans for the day and ask if they are ok with them and if im texting il read it out so they are in on the conversation. I guess none of that is overly normal!
Since I started selling my sussex eggs Iv only been keeping the silkies eggs to cook and bake with and they are amazing but given the size u need double the eggs it says on the recipie so takes double the time to get enough or longer as my girls are usually broody! But once that chocolate fudge cake is made its so worth the wait! yumm off to get a slice!!
Argh I want silkies so badly. But the bf says no silkies b/c the local chicken guy said no silkies. If I want a broody hen, get cochins. So now looking for sizxle, fizzle cochins! And want french marans. And cream legbars. And and and... :)

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