My chicken won't walk or stand I think he may have hurt one of his legs!

Thank you! I don't think he has that his poop is normal and he is eating and drinking regularly.
does his chair look right?
Looks like you've got him sitting up pretty good. Can you put some food and water in front of him to reach out for? Does he move his legs? Does he seem to be improving?
Yes he is beginning to put weight on his legs when I hold him up he just seems to have no balance when I let go of him he falls to one side and his bad leg has became stiff and stick out in front of him when he lays down is there anything I can do to loosen his leg up? I have been massaging it and that seems to help a little
My chicken does the same thing. I've treated her for worms and have been force feeding her. She won't stand and hasn't stood up in almost 7 days. She just scoots along in the crate I have her in to get away from her poop! Is it possible for them to ever stand up again if it's been this long?
I don't think it's mareks he is eating and drinking normally he does not lay with one leg behind him and one in front of him and he is able to put weight on his legs but he just does not have any balance

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