My chickens are acting weird.

I'm strictly a greenhorn at sexing chickens, but it looks to me like you have at least 7 males. Hopefully someone who is better at this will chime in.
homosexual chickens? thats odd...
I agree, and it looks like two of them will probably have the blue egg gene since they have peacombs. I wouldn't be surprised if they held off laying a while longer. Those eggs will definately be fertile! I've seen young roosters try to mate anyone they can catch
Don't worry, they'll grow out of it.
I see at least 7 roos as well. Tiny-T and Hershey are most definitely boys as well. Gogo and Stormy appear to be pullets. I'm not totally sure about Penguin. You have 2, or at the most 3 (Penguin?) girls. You are going to need a LOT more girls!
ok thanks guys! that sucks
but we knew it was a possibility when we got them. so should we buy more and if so what do you suggest?
If your not supposed to have roos, maybe you could get sexlinks. They come in a few colors and they are egg laying machines! And, you don't get any roos if you don't want them.

It depends on what you want them for and how much $$$ your can spend on getting some.
I personally like big tall oriental games, but it can be hard to find good ones without spending a good bit of $$$, so I don't have any right now, but I do have 2 Thai eggs that where a bonus with some white lace red cornish that hatch this weekend

I also picked out breeds based on egg color for a rainbow of eggs (white, cream, blue, green, olive, tan/pink, brown, dark brown, speckled)

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