My chickens are dying one by one please help


In the Brooder
Sep 12, 2017
Hi I am posting asking for help on whats going on ith my flock. My flock is slowly dying off one by one. They show little to no symptoms. Their eyes look fine and appear healthy, but once they start to get sick they get lethargic and skinny but they are eating. I have quarintened them, but I am afraid for the rest of my flock. Its as if you can push them over and they cant get up but once you put them back on their feet they walk just fine. I dont understand whats going on. Please help.
Hi I'm sorry for your losses. I know how heart breaking that can be.
Getting a necropsy done on the next one to die should give you a definitive answer but if their poop looks healthy it is unlikely to be coccidiosis and probably not worms, but worth getting a poop sample tested. Any vets can do it and they shouldn't need to examine the bird. Here in the UK there are independent labs that you can buy a sample kit online and send the sample off in the post and sometimes even get next day results and it is cheaper that the is only £9 I think. I'm sure there must be such a service in the USA too.

My guess would probably be that they are suffering an outbreak of Marek's disease. The two commonest killers of young birds are coccidiosis and Marek's. They are both very widespread and easily contracted. Unfortunately there is no recognised treatment for Marek's. Sometimes it causes paralysis or an inability to coordinate limbs, and wasting away despite eating well is another symptom, but birds can also die suddenly from tumours on their internal organs without showing any of the classic symptoms. It is a very difficult disease to diagnose if they don't exhibit the "classic" symptoms.
Your state agricultural dept should be able to advise you where you can get a necropsy done and how much it will cost, or you could try to do one yourself if you are not squeamish. Opening up the abdominal cavity and inspecting all the organs can often give a good indication of the problem in my experience. There are a few threads here on BYC where we share photos of our DIY necropsies and discuss opinions and ideas on possible diagnosis.
I hope you are able to get to the bottom of the problem or that it settles down on it's own soon.

Best wishes

Welcome to BYC!
How young/old are they?

What do you feed them and have you ever had fresh poop tested by a vet for worm loads?
They range from 2 months to almost a year and I live in an area that does not have vets that can treat chickens.
Ive tried and it was a humiliating experience but their poop looks nice and brown. no green and no blood
They could have either Coccidiosis or worms.

Most dog vets, who don't treat chickens, will still test fresh poop for very cheap.
What state are you in?
Did any feed product or wormercontain garlic? Heinz Body Anaemia. I'm sure I accidentally killed my chook giving garlic.

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