My chickens are killing each other. No. They really are.

Glad you found the culprit! What a price to pay though! I am so sorry!
Yet another case of suspected chickens killing each other being proved false. In reality, it almost never happens that chickens kill each other. If, in the rare instance they do, it's almost always accidental or as a result of an infection following injury after a pecking order altercation or rooster over-mating a hen.

If you find a dead, partially eaten chicken, suspect a predator first and immediately take action to locate vulnerabilities in your pen/coop. Don't waste precious time assuming one of the flock is a killer when you could be hunting down the culprit and improving security.

So sorry you lost so many hens to this evil creature. Goes to show what crafty villains raccoons are.
Glad you found out what it was. I would take care of that I a heartbeat. No one messes with my itty bitties!
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I. Hate. Raccoons. Glad you caught him, and so sorry you lost so many of your lovelies to the *******.

He does seem like a young one, but hard to tell. They are persistent, problem-solving little jerks, and if he'd found his way there once before, years ago, he'd be able to find his way back, no problem.
I. Hate. Raccoons. Glad you caught him, and so sorry you lost so many of your lovelies to the *******. 

He does seem like a young one, but hard to tell. They are persistent, problem-solving little jerks, and if he'd found his way there once before, years ago, he'd be able to find his way back, no problem.

Dead raccoons don't find their way back to my chicken coop. Quick and painless but it had to be done

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