My chickens can be so gross


11 Years
Oct 12, 2008
Martinsville, IN
Not only that, but they really have some kind of death wish, too. We gave the dogs some rawhide chews to work on out in the backyard today. The chickens went right for it like they were actually going to take them away from them! Seriously, I have one dog that if either of the other two came within 10 ft. of her while she had a chew, she would take their head off. So, here come these chickens all crowding around the dogs with their chews. As soon as Jack got a piece gnawed off of his, one of them grabbed it and ran. Then they played keep-away with it for a while before one of them finally swallowed it... yuk. I say, "yuk" because it's such a tough piece of food...I just wonder if it'll show up in an egg?

My poor dogs. All they would do about the chickens was look at me like, "Mom, please get them away, since I'm not allowed to bite them."

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