My chickens didn't act normal


Feb 6, 2021
I know my fair share of info about chickens. However something totally out of the blue happened. I was doing my chickens, when I realized they were roosted all over the coop. my broody chicken was of course sitting on effs, but every other of my 12 chickens were in a random spot of the coop. I was going to lock them up when one of my chickens named summer walked right out of the door. However she was very easy to catch. I checked them all for mites but no, there were no mites! This was only that one night! March 19, 2022. This did happen once before but I thought nothing of it, even though everything described above happened. I was gonna post this the next day but our power went out for a few days so here y'all go. If you have an answer tell me
If you have an answer tell me
Predator or rat visit perhaps? Since you didn't have any losses or other drama, maybe just a rat? My other guess would be possibly spring time antics, change in pecking order.

Ah darn, I wanted to see your broody sitting on the "effs" like a Sesame Street character! It sounds entertaining. ;)

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Hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

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