My chickens have all got white peeling legs does anybody knows if this will cause pain to them?


6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
Hi I've just started to look after some chickens, I really don't know much about them but I've just noticed that they all have white peeling legs, does anybody know if this causes pain to them? I've read some other posts on how the best way is to treat them but was worried if they will feel pain with this Condition?
:frow Welcome to the forum! :frow Glad you joined us! :celebrate

You can look up scaly leg mites to confirm that's what it is and how to treat it, but that is probably what the problem is.

I don't know if it causes pain, but it itches and aggrevates them. You do need to treat all of them, whether they are showing it or not.
Thank you, it's a really good forum, I did look it up and it does seem to be scaly leg mites, it's only the four hens that are showing to have the condition the cock seems to have healthy legs but I will treat all of them, do I need to treat their feathers with anything?
I've never had to treat it, so I really don't have experience with it. I don't think you need to treat anything except the scales on their feet and legs, but I suggest you read a few different places to see if you can get a consensus on how to treat it. I would not trust the first site I came to.

The general idea is to cover them with something greasy so they can't breathe and sufficate. And you probalby have ot treat a few times to get the ones that hatch out of the eggs.

Good luck with it.

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