My chickens is dying! Help

You could try giving her some nutri-drench if you have some. It will help boost her immune system, just give about three or four drops to her beak. Also put her on a soft blanket so she can be more comfortable. You can also give her some water, it is easy to do with a syringe, just make sure you take off the needle.
Roughly how long is it since she last laid an egg.... has she laid one since she was in the cage on your porch? Has she been eating and drinking until very recently?
Her crop looks quite full although it could be the camera angle, so I am wondering if she may have an impacted crop. Does her body feel thin?
Her legs could be paralysed/lifeless because she is really weak from lack of nutrition if her system is blocked.... that said, if she is so weak she can't stand up, then it is unlikely you can get her unblocked and food into her system before she dies.
It is unlikely to be Marek's both because of her age (it mostly affects adolescent birds) and also her posture. Marek's birds are usually contorted, with legs neck and/or tail at unnatural angles, whereas she looks to me like she has just keeled over.
It is likely that whatever her problem is, it has been going on for a long time and was the reason why the other birds were picking on her. I think it is most likely that she has gone too far to be helped now and I would probably end her suffering. I'm sorry :hugs I know how heart breaking it is to have to make a decision like that and even harder to carry it out. It took me 2 days to pluck up the courage to end it for a bird that I knew had no hope last year. I was all ready to do it twice and burst into tears and couldn't do it. I have processed birds before and whilst I find killing emotionally difficult, I can manage, but it is so much harder when it is a poor sick bird that you have loved and taken care for. I managed to pluck up the courage the second day after I gave myself a stern talking to about responsibilities and I was relieved when it was done.

I wish you courage for that difficult task.
Roughly how long is it since she last laid an egg.... has she laid one since she was in the cage on your porch? Has she been eating and drinking until very recently?
Her crop looks quite full although it could be the camera angle, so I am wondering if she may have an impacted crop. Does her body feel thin?
Her legs could be paralysed/lifeless because she is really weak from lack of nutrition if her system is blocked.... that said, if she is so weak she can't stand up, then it is unlikely you can get her unblocked and food into her system before she dies.
It is unlikely to be Marek's both because of her age (it mostly affects adolescent birds) and also her posture. Marek's birds are usually contorted, with legs neck and/or tail at unnatural angles, whereas she looks to me like she has just keeled over.
It is likely that whatever her problem is, it has been going on for a long time and was the reason why the other birds were picking on her. I think it is most likely that she has gone too far to be helped now and I would probably end her suffering. I'm sorry :hugs I know how heart breaking it is to have to make a decision like that and even harder to carry it out. It took me 2 days to pluck up the courage to end it for a bird that I knew had no hope last year. I was all ready to do it twice and burst into tears and couldn't do it. I have processed birds before and whilst I find killing emotionally difficult, I can manage, but it is so much harder when it is a poor sick bird that you have loved and taken care for. I managed to pluck up the courage the second day after I gave myself a stern talking to about responsibilities and I was relieved when it was done.

I wish you courage for that difficult task.
It was bittersweet reading your message I want to thank you so much I am going to wait one more day I don't think that she is suffering I'll just pray to God and that's all I can do is put it in his hands. I am not a really religious person but I do know that there is something else out there that hopefully will lead me to do the right thing thank you again your post was very touching
It was bittersweet reading your message I want to thank you so much I am going to wait one more day I don't think that she is suffering I'll just pray to God and that's all I can do is put it in his hands. I am not a really religious person but I do know that there is something else out there that hopefully will lead me to do the right thing thank you again your post was very touching
Roughly how long is it since she last laid an egg.... has she laid one since she was in the cage on your porch? Has she been eating and drinking until very recently?
Her crop looks quite full although it could be the camera angle, so I am wondering if she may have an impacted crop. Does her body feel thin?
Her legs could be paralysed/lifeless because she is really weak from lack of nutrition if her system is blocked.... that said, if she is so weak she can't stand up, then it is unlikely you can get her unblocked and food into her system before she dies.
It is unlikely to be Marek's both because of her age (it mostly affects adolescent birds) and also her posture. Marek's birds are usually contorted, with legs neck and/or tail at unnatural angles, whereas she looks to me like she has just keeled over.
It is likely that whatever her problem is, it has been going on for a long time and was the reason why the other birds were picking on her. I think it is most likely that she has gone too far to be helped now and I would probably end her suffering. I'm sorry :hugs I know how heart breaking it is to have to make a decision like that and even harder to carry it out. It took me 2 days to pluck up the courage to end it for a bird that I knew had no hope last year. I was all ready to do it twice and burst into tears and couldn't do it. I have processed birds before and whilst I find killing emotionally difficult, I can manage, but it is so much harder when it is a poor sick bird that you have loved and taken care for. I managed to pluck up the courage the second day after I gave myself a stern talking to about responsibilities and I was relieved when it was done.

I wish you courage for that difficult task.
To answer your questions,no she hasn't laid since I have had her on porch. When a chicken has an egg stuck couldn't I feel it?
I am so worried that when my hubby comes home he will want to put her out of her misery but of course not without my consent, but I'm just reaching out to see maybe if there is something that can be done
If she was egg bound, she would have died within a few days, so I really don't think that is the problem. What does her crop (pouch at the front of her neck) feel like and what does her body feel like, particularly her breast area.... is her keel bone sharp under the skin or well covered? Is there any obvious abdominal swelling? Does she feel unusually heavy or light.... just skin bone and feathers? If you are going to wait, I would put her in a box and bring her in the house overnight and leave her somewhere warm. Sick birds cannot keep their body temperature up and will feel the cold even though it is warm outside.... 70 and even 80F is still below body heat.
Sorry, our posts overlapped. Ok we can probably rule out impacted crop or even tumour as they both tend to cause muscle wastage. What have her droppings been like? Can you take a photo of them. Is her back end/vent area soiled?

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