My chickens sleep in the nesting boxes


Jul 6, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Hi. Has anyone had their chickens sleep in the nesting boxes? How did you get them to stop?
All of my chickens used to sleep on the roost, but now only two of them do. It'd be hard to put all of them on the roost at night, because my coop isn't a walk in. Do you have any ideas? As advised by @aart (thanks!), here are some pictures of the nesting boxes.

I did have this problem and I made a cardboard blocker to put over the nesting boxes at night. I took it down in the morning when I went out at dawn to feed them. It did prevent them from sleeping in the boxes. I did this for two weeks and now leave open. They are sometimes in the boxes but mostly in the house at night where the roosting bars are.:)
Okay, here are some more pictures:

Roost 1#, on the top floor (this is the one they use the most.)

Roost #2, on the bottom of the coop. (Please excuse all the cobwebs, lol)

Here's the door/window where I clean it.
If you need any other pictures, please tell me. Thanks!
I did have this problem and I made a cardboard blocker to put over the nesting boxes at night. I took it down in the morning when I went out at dawn to feed them. It did prevent them from sleeping in the boxes. I did this for two weeks and now leave open. They are sometimes in the boxes but mostly in the house at night where the roosting bars are.:)
Thanks you, I'll try this tonight. :)
Oh I'm so sorry for the weird angle! No, the door isn't on the same wall as the nesting boxes. I'll go get a picture of the entire coop tomorrow. Sorry for the mix up!:oops:

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