My chickens took a vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks!


Faith & Feathers
11 Years
May 1, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
On Friday, my family and my chickens packed our bags and headed to the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. We only have 4 chickens, and they're small, so we had them in a cage in the trunk of the car. We had to bring them because we had no one to take care of them while we were gone (and I really wanted to). And, of course we need some eggs for breakfast.

They (and I) had a wonderful time! They loved it, but we could also tell that they were happy to be home. Here are some pictures of our traveling birdies.

Here they are free ranging in the front yard of our cabin.


Ebony eyeing the tallness of the trees.

Pumpkin panting.

I was trying to get a good picture of everyone, but it's impossible for Winter to be still.

Havin' a snack. Look at Ebony's beak.

RABID EBONY! Just kidding, she can never keep her beard out of the water, or food, or anything.

I hope you enjoyed! Please feel free to comment.

Also, please have a look at Soda Chickens.
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That is the perfect way to travel! Beautiful flock. Have your chickens done a lot of travelling? I would love to take ours but I'm always afraid they'll be too stressed out.
Thank you!
No, this was their first time travelling. They weren't too stressed. You just have to be careful because extremely fluffy chickens like Ebony get really hot in the car.

Willowbranchfarm- have fun at the beach!

aoxa- thanks. She is quite the character. You should check out the album in my signature.

theoldchick- Thanks! He is the sweetest little thing. He loves to be held, is extremely freindly, and is great to our girls.'ve inspired me. My husband will not be pleased. I bet you had the best holiday. And it's nice to see Pumpkin all growned up.

Willowbranchfarm- have fun at the beach!

aoxa- thanks. She is quite the character. You should check out the album in my signature.

theoldchick- Thanks! He is the sweetest little thing. He loves to be held, is extremely freindly, and is great to our girls.
Do you know what she is mixed with? Oh she is to die for!

I checked it out :love

I'm in love! I like the black on red. She is so fluffy and cute.
Do you know what she is mixed with? Oh she is to die for!
I checked it out

I'm in love! I like the black on red. She is so fluffy and cute.
Yes, she is a silkie- d'uccle cross.
Not only is she adorable, she's extremely fluffy and her feathers are silky soft!

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