My Chicks are LOST in the mail- Brokenhearted

Thank you. Theres a lady at the PO that is making phone calls for me. Im waiting to hear back, now.
I'm so sorry! Poor things.
I's hard for m believe they would lose something alive! When my gander was a day late the P O called and asked if they could open the box right away when he arrived and give him water.
I'd demand to know when and where they find them!
if it makes you feel 1% better, when McMurray had to reship mine, I got them a whole week early
of course, I wasn't really prepared to handle a new batch that week, but we make adjustments and I was VERY GLAD they got there all safe & sound. In fact, I usually lose a couple just to being chicks and I have not lost 1! so...maybe your chicks will be early arriving and healthy.

sending good wishes:fl
I will- To All-
This morning, at 5 am, I called to ask if my chicks were in. They said yes. So I rushed to the PO. They bring out this huge box of chicks- I open them and they are not mine.
It just occured to me- mabe the lady who owns those chicks got my birds by mistake? Her birds were all buff orps- mine were blue wyandotes, silver laced wyandottes, marans , std cochins and welsummers. She would have SURELY noticed they werent hers. I have the PO trying to track her down, now. (although they tell me they have no contact info on her) CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR MY PEEPS< PLEASE!!
Thanks- Early would be good, but the best case scenerio would be to find these little guys alive..

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