My chicks are MIA:box found:all doa -Update: new order shipping Monday

Ahhhhh....................I know of several folks in Georgia with new babies for sale..........If you want their names, let me know.

I'm just so sorry....I can only hope they went to the wrong address and that they are being cared for and someone thinks that they were a present....

Take care.
I heard once on here that someone didnt receive a call on the morning they were expecting their babies and that the post office had assumed that all the boxes of babies were together for one person. I wonder if that happened here where they accidentally went home with someone else.
You know this is off topic for the whole chicken thing, but about your cat, we had the same thing happen. Seriously after like three years of her going missing. One day I opened the door and there was a kitten right outside. I looked around and no mama. The next morning, opened the door and there were two babies. That night, the mom (cat from before) showed up. They were her babies. She stayed with us almost a week and when she saw that her babies were going to be taken care of (I assume) she ran out the front door and we havent seen her since. Guess wherever she moved, she likes. So, it's not always hoping they went quickly and didnt suffer that you hope for. We know she lives somewhere and she is happy.
What are you talking about? Ideal certainly does offer refunds if warrented. I've never had to ask for a refund since my orders from Ideal have always arrived satisfactorily. My next order is going to them this week.

Not sure if postal regulations and procedures have changed, but back in the 1970's, I worked at a mail distribution center. We had lots of cartons of chicks passing through. One night, we had a carton marked "undeliverable as addressed" with 100 Wyandottes inside, already in the mail stream for three days or more. The cartons in those days were marked with the instructions "Postmaster: Dispose of if undeliverable." The postmaster knew I had a farm and said he was going to dispose of them in the back of my car at the end of the shift. He took the paperwork to fill out so the hatchery was notified. We gave them some water and they were fine. Most ended up fostered out to a few farms in my town. If the chicken gods were smiling on the original poster's order, the same fate may have been bestowed on them.

You know, Ideal was having all those problems, the on line system wasn't working, the credit card thingy wasn't working, then the business next door had a fire and then their phones weren't working - I mean, yes, maybe there was a glitch and they didn't ship?? And, they don't even know there is a problem? Happens where I work all the time, except we know it and it never gets fixed
What are you talking about? Ideal certainly does offer refunds if warrented. I've never had to ask for a refund since my orders from Ideal have always arrived satisfactorily. My next order is going to them this week.

Not sure if postal regulations and procedures have changed, but back in the 1970's, I worked at a mail distribution center. We had lots of cartons of chicks passing through. One night, we had a carton marked "undeliverable as addressed" with 100 Wyandottes inside, already in the mail stream for three days or more. The cartons in those days were marked with the instructions "Postmaster: Dispose of if undeliverable." The postmaster knew I had a farm and said he was going to dispose of them in the back of my car at the end of the shift. He took the paperwork to fill out so the hatchery was notified. We gave them some water and they were fine. Most ended up fostered out to a few farms in my town. If the chicken gods were smiling on the original poster's order, the same fate may have been bestowed on them.


what a wonderful story!!!!!!!
Just got a call from the post office....the box finally arrived. All DOA of course. She is going to check to see if she can track it and see where it went wrong......
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Well at least you know now. Sometimes I think ignorance is bliss when it comes to stuff like this. I hope they track and FIX the error so that this doesn't happen again to someone else and to someTHING(s) else. Poor little things...
Hopefully they find the person at fault and someone gets a good dope-slap and is made to pay for your loss
. My heart goes out to you and the loss of your little ones.

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