My chicks are MIA:box found:all doa -Update: new order shipping Monday

For a package that was shipped so long ago, you know it was just sitting somewhere. It could not have been in transit the entire time. And a human being put that package wherever it was sitting. I can't imagine that USPS workers wouldn't maybe glance at the postage date on a box. Especially on a box of live animals before they put it aside. How could a person not care that much?
I am sporting the largest pouty lip you have evr seen! I hate that your babies are gone. Go down to the local feed store and get some more asap, and LOVE those little guys:ya
Could be hackers, messing with the system. Companies are hesitant to admit it but there are a lot of hackers getting into companies, banks, government systems and even infrastructure. The truth is, companies are not as foolproof as they would have us believe. I would not be surprised if it was some kind of hacking job, could be a change in the system, but that is a pretty big series of mess ups for a system mix up. But what do I know.

I am so sorry about your chicks, what a horrible thing to have gone through.
sad.png very sorry that your chickies had such a bad ending. Very sad !
I have ordered from Ideal too. Found them excellet to deal with. Last Sept shipment had one DOA. Credited back money. I have an order to be shipped on 2/17 from them. THEN they sent me that email about the 1000 Banties that must be sold. So, of course I did my part and ordered ship out today. Bad timing. We of course here in MA were expecting 12 or more inches of snow in a Nor'easter.
At 7:30 AM EST my phone was Ideal. They were going to hold my shipment...I had ordered Cochins....because they had hatched late and weren't completely "dry". She said she would ship on Monday. I pointed out to her that I had another shipment going out on Wed, 2/17. She checked it and said ok, will put the shipments together.
I was soooo relieved after following this thread from beginning, and our expected weather. Had been worried all last night about my fuzzy butts.
I think that speaks for Ideal...for those that blame them over the mistakes the USPO makes. Those babies weren't dry enough to were held. My PO can't even get my mail into my box...give it to others and theirs to me. They are VERY CARELESS !
When I've ordered live chicks I notify my PO a few days in advance to make them aware of what is coming and approx. del date.
Hope you have better luck in the future.
Rochester, MA
I know at this point Nella it's not point in pointing fingers, but for peace of mind. I sure as heck would track where those chicks had been and give that location a piece of my mind and make sure you talk to the manager...threaten to take it as far as you have to go. someone was just negligent in this. and that makes me mad...sad for you and the little ones that didn't have a chance, but mad at some dummy taking a paycheck every month.
The best way to get your chickens IS to get them from breeders. I'm order 25 chicks from Ideal because they have a breed of chicken that I can't find anyplace else. I've researched through the blogs and clubs and can't find them. There is another color variety of the same breed that I am getting from a "local" breeder and I am driving 200 miles to get my chicks as soon as the weather breaks, but no one has the "Ideal" chicks. I wish in the worst way that I didn't have to do this, but I have no other recourse if I'm to get this specific type of chicken. I am waiting until the weather breaks so hopefully I won't have the risk of these horrible snow storms that have grounded half of the country.
As hatcheries go, Ideal seems to be one of the best. They have an excellent reputation, but they are a business and they don't view the chicks the same way we do. It makes me absolutely sick to think of the babies not getting to me in the shortest amount of time possible, and I'm talking about 24 to 36 hours, not stretched out to the end of the 3 days.

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