My chicks are MIA:box found:all doa -Update: new order shipping Monday

I am sorry about your Chicks. But I wanted to add an observation I have made in the last couple of months concerning USPS. I have mailed hundreds of packages Priority mail over the last several years. Not live animals but still I have a pretty consistent finger on the pulse of USPS service. I have never had any serious problems with it and then suddenly in December I either witnessed or have been told about a dozen or more very strange occurrences. This being just one example of what I mean strange. I mailed a package in a priority flat rate box from Reno to Sacramento California. This is a two hour drive and the package should have easily made it in one day and been delivered easily in two days. after four days my customer contacted me saying it had not been delivered. I tracked it and it was in Anchorage Alaska. Now had this been a one time in all these years thing I would have chalked it up to an hilarious oops. but as I said there has been a sudden rash of event as ridiculous or worse than this. I suspect changes have been made at USPS and this is the result. I do not think it was temporary holiday help either as Christmas shipping for the most part had passed. Just be wary that there may be changes afoot concerning USPS. If so it really stinks because Priority mail has been a great service for a long time. Making Fed Ex look like amateurs and giving UPS a run for their money.
Sorry for your loss, its awful this happened. Unless it was misslabeled I think you are right not to put too much blame on Ideal, its the post offices fault, somewhere someone probably a noob put them in the wrong bin or something, makes me wonder about their cutbacks and rerouting as well.
My husband has racing pigeons and often has them shipped in or out.They can cost several $1000s a bird.When one of these has been lost by PO guys have gotten very angry but the National Organization has always cautioned against raising caine with the PO. They ship so much " livestock" that could not be done any other way. I would still want to know What Happened ???
I'm so sorry for your loss. This is one of the reasons I decided to forgo the fancy chicken breeds and get chicks through a local hatchery less then 3 hours away who will ship to the feed store, of course they will be barred rock not the buckeye I truely wanted!
Sorry it did not turn out well for you or the chicks. Where ever the problem occured in transit, I doubt the guilty person will fess up to their mistake. It is a risk we all take having animals shipped. But I would like to think there are many more happy endings than sad ones such as this.
I'm so sorry this turn out like this NellaBean. Truly unfortunate, and I have to wonder if the record snowfalls back East somehow had something to do with this. One or two hubs get hit these days and the effects ripple out across the Country to places without snow.

Don't give up, and do try again later when you're had a chance to get over this.

Poor Chooks. The USPS does mess things up at times. If you did not track them with a tracking label you will NEVER find out how this happened. Frankly, now that the package has arrived, the post office will not care. I am sure IDEAL will need to file on this one, not you.

I sent off a PRIORITY mailing on Feb 1, 2010. It was received this day, Feb 10, 2010. So PRIORITY means NOTHING to the post office except more money. The worst thing is I HAD TO send it priority or they WOULD NOT give me a tracking number.

Poor Chooks.

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