My chicks won't go into their coop on their own.

Run an extension cord from your house to the coop.

I am very dubious about running household electric equipment into an agricultural environment.

A home use fan is not designed to cope with the level of dust that chickens generate and is very likely to end up conking out -- if you're lucky -- or shorting out and causing a fire -- if you're not lucky.

There are fans made for agricultural and industrial conditions, but it might be easier to add additional natural ventilation to a stuffy coop than to install fan and electric safely. :)
I had the same issue with mine when they were about that age. I kept trying to put them in at 7pm, when it got really warm one evening I waited until almost 9pm and they were in! This was after multiple evenings of me putting them in one at a time. I’ve never had to put them in again. They chose 8:20pm as their bedtime.
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I had the same issue with mine when they were about that age. I kept trying to put them in at 7pm, when it got really warm one evening I waited until almost 9pm and they were in! This was after multiple evenings of me putting them in one at a time. I’ve never had to put them in again. They chose 8:20pm as their bedtime.
Yeah, I put mine in at 7, and they put themselves in at 8:10!
You can tell when they are getting ready for bed, they start making different peeps and trills. I've heard it referred to as "pillow talk". It's a different kind of peeping, you will recognize it! When they start that they will go to bed shortly after.
Agreed. It almost sounds like they’re in distress sometimes. If one or two get left then it really gets loud. The “pillow talk” happens when they all stay together.

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