My Coturnix House

I would not store food under the quail house.....I had my food outside when we first got chickens, in a large plastic bin. The bears liked it! Your girls should be laying anytime, mine from that hatch are beginning to lay. Their eggs will be going into the incubator after the first of the year.
Thanks for the compliments, all!

IHS - That's great to hear! Glad to know that more of the sisters from the hatch are laying. I'm really looking forward to the first egg. I'm worried about bears, but I don't know how much I could do about it. If a bear wants in - there's no wire mesh that's going to stop him, unless I HOTwire it. When the BF went out the other morning to feed/do water before he went to work, it was just getting light out and he said he scared something big from behind our back fence where the chickens are. I wish I knew what it was that he scared!

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