My crowing Polish pullet


May 18, 2023
My Coop
My Coop
This is Meep:

Meep has a few marbles missing.
I bought her from a local farmer as a BYM. Technically he gave her to us for free with the other chicks because she was a “runt”.

Little did we know that Meep would be one of the two pullets we got out of our original 6 straight run chicks.

She was always a loner and at the bottom of the pecking order. We honestly thought she was going to die, she was so small and sleepy all the time.


Juanita who we later figured out was “Juan” was actually the only one to die from suspected Coccidiosis. Once we figured out we had three cockerels they were all removed from the flock. Meep saw her opportunity and started crowing the day after we dispatched the last cockerel. She crowed for the first three days and stopped after getting tired of being spritz with a water bottle. We soon after integrated five chicks and a 1yr old hen in with Meep and our other pullet.


She immediately let everyone know she was the boss. Soon after integration she crowed again once and then laid her first egg.

Now this is the norm she will crow on the morning of the day she lays. Meep sings the egg song right before laying/while she lays. Today was the first day I caught her on camera crowing. So here is the video.

excuse my back yard mess we thought it would be fun to do a fixer upper for our first home and fun to be first time chicken owners 😅.

Hope this was a good read 😊
Meep is a proper character!

I had a hen that crowed after my last rooster died. I couldn't figure out which hen it was because she only crowed in the coop in the morning before I let the all female flock out, and they were all together so I couldn't identify the culprit.

It was a proper rooster sounding crow although a bit shorter in duration.
Meep is a proper character!

I had a hen that crowed after my last rooster died. I couldn't figure out which hen it was because she only crowed in the coop in the morning before I let the all female flock out, and they were all together so I couldn't identify the culprit.

It was a proper rooster sounding crow although a bit shorter in duration.
So we both had nutters for chickens 😂.
When she started doing this, I was scared for a bit that she was a cockerel after all. She laid an egg and I was like cool she’s just a bit crazy and not a cockerel. She keeps me on my toes for sure. She started flying into the open widow as a new party trick.

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