My dangerous chicken wire...(pictures)

Well I put the duct tape on their earlier today but it fell off real just wouldn't stick to the wire and the wood.
I like your Chipotle napkin.

I get nicked by chicken wire all the time, I've decided that it's unavoidable since I have chicken wire everywhere lol.
Post a pic of the problem wire and the gate and latch. We can find something that will work. I have always thought about using the rubber that you dip the handle of tools in would work. Hot glue gun blobs for a temp fix ,but without seeing the gate the way I would say is to screw a thin strip of alumna over the ends.
when installing the wire cut it about the width of the post longer then you need then bend it behind and staple it to the post.
Do you have a soldering iron? Try using a soldering iron and putting big blobs of solder on the ends of the wire. You could even get a long piece of wire to lay across each end of the cut chicken wire, and solder that on, making a "finished" edge.
Might I recommend hardware putty? We use it to cover nails that stick out if the wood in my cages. The animals can't chew it, and it stays on. Once you put it on, you never really have to replace it, and you only need a little bit to cover a sharp spot. It has worked for us, so I imagine it would work for this job.
The area thats getting you just replace with the rubber looking wire which has no metal at all. You can find it at Lowes.
The only thing that's missing is the barnyard and gardening dirt under the fingernails....along with calluses....:)

I wish my hands were that clean on a regular basis....

Ouch re: the chicken wire! I'm glad I renewed my TdaP sometime last year. It's a good idea to have tetanus vacc. current with all the wire, nails, splinters, grunge and whatever there is around a barnyard.

Hardware cloth is almost as bad if the sharp edges aren't controlled but it's more predator-proof than chicken wire.

Good cage-makers (whether it's for rabbits or a brooder or whatever) will do everything they can to eliminate sharp edges. You probably will want to re-engineer the area that has the wire sticking out.

Paraffin etc. is a temporary solution but best is to get rid of the sharp edges and hurty things altogether.
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You can staple those ends down with a heavy duty stapler. By that I mean the one that is a tool, not an office stapler.
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