my darling gander bit my finger

Some pet geese will nibble their owners as a sign of affection, as they do to other geese in their flock. Check online. My Chinese geese (1 goose, 1 gander) both have little 'teeth' projections in their bills used to shred up grasses and weeds. If your finger(s) get caught in one of those, your flesh will most likely bleed. Love nips are different from actual aggressive biting. My gander will nip me and chew on my hair, nip my clothes. As long as it's not painful, I can tolerate the pressure/ squeeze. If they bite me and it hurts, I grab their bill and tell them NO BITING. There are other aggression signs you can learn online. We all know the low head, curved neck, wings out, stocking/chasing you behavior from Canada geese we learned as children at the local park/ conservation pond! I would still run from a goose showing those signs! The muscle strength in those wings and the infamous 'teeth' and claws are not to be challenged. This is particularly problematic when I'm trying to hold my goose and check her over for injury, esp. bumble foot, or when I need to pick them up and re-locate them.
My two Chinese geese are both imprinted on me and it's important to me to show dominance when needed. Geese are smart birds. I dunno if they understand, but my voice level and demeanor changes when I am asserting my dominance. I hope this helps you. Good luck!

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