My Delawares...they're all grown up.


Star Bright Farm
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Brown City, Michigan (Thumb)
I finally got the time to get some pics uploaded. These pics are of my chicks that hatched Friday night and yesterday. I got 11 Delaware chicks out of 16 eggs, and 4 Delahorn chicks (Delaware/Leghorn cross) out of 5 eggs. So fantastic results, I think, for shipped eggs. These eggs were shipped UPS from csibb. I highly recommend her stock and her packing/shipping method to anyone wanting to hatch some of these beautiful birds. Her Delawares are just gorgeous, as well as her Leghorns.

The black chicks in these pics are 2 black australorp pullets (from Ideal Hatchery) and 1 black sex link pullet (given to me by my dear friend Miss_Jayne, but originally came from Ideal Hatchery as well).

All 18 of my chicks are doing wonderful. They got lots of rest last night and today, so tonight they're all up and running about...enjoying their new freedom from their eggs. Hope you enjoy the pics!




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wowzers! those are some big babies!

they are just gorgeous! Hey, Ferb...I know what we're going to do today.....
hatching babies!

I'm telling MOMMMMM! Mommmmm! Ferb is building a giant hatcher in the office!

p.s. Dolly Parton is already laying eggs....
How many little roos do you think you have in the bunch.

Great that Dellies are a good dual purpose breed.
Awwwww, thanks everbody. I'm rather proud of them. Now that I'm sitting here looking at them at only 1 day old, they do look pretty big. Some of them aren't much smaller than the 6 day old australorp chicks.

Csibb, I'm gonna need your help as they get older to figure out which is which. I checked underneath the wings today, and only 1 of them has the greyish/black tint, and it's the one with the black stripe on "her" head! All of the rest of them are solid yellow!

And Opa, I simply cannot wait to hatch some of your Welsummers. And from the looks of it, I'm definitely gonna have a few Dellies for you...if you would like them.

I'm on my way to getting a super nice flock of beautiful ladies!...and a gentleman or two.
Oh! Aren't they adorable! I love my Delaware girls. They are such a lovely breed.

When mine developed the feathers seem to change colors as they grow. Like they start off white, then get the black/gray.

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