My DH just might be coming around...


11 Years
May 22, 2008
Upstate NY
A year ago when I got a rooster (to sit on the fence and crow) my DH was fine with that. The breeder talked me into a hen to keep him company (the rooster). DH was even okay with that. Then spring came and DH started saying we needed a few more hens, just in case those eastern tent caterpillars come back this year. Well...that just opened the flood gate.

Long story short...I got an incubator and he's been dead set against me hatching anything during winter. "No chickens in the house!" Perhaps the one night with the brahma rooster crowing from a crate in the living room was enough.

I hatched shipped eggs 2 weeks ago and he has been sooo okay with it. They are in the hallway outside our bedroom. The only time I think he may have wanted to say something, was when they woke us up sounding like a smoke alarm. We both sat straight up in bed. Kinda they respond to my alarm clock. So I hear Beep Beep Beep and then Peep Peep Peep.

Anyway, he has made it clear (nicely) that I shouldn't have hatched in the winter. But today (sad lip forward) I told him that the eggs I'm getting from the Jan. swap have been shipped. I said "if you don't want me to hatch them...we could have a big duck egg omelet." He said "No...go ahead and try to hatch them."


And he was unloading hay for me today into the barn while I was at work. And he told me about what one of the pullets was doing.

I think he's coming around:)
I dunno...I caught him a couple of times during the summer, looking at them freeranging. I think he secretly likes them. Now...if I can only get him to help me process a couple of turkeys next fall... hhmmmm....
I was all set to agree with you- about 'men' in general, coming around...I was going to give a great example about my wonderful husband...and how much he tolerates, with all the animals I have brought in. All the chickens I have hatched and put in the house. I even had a great example about a little duckling that he held in his hands over the heat from the stove burner to try and warm it up when it was almost dead....and then...

I stalled long enough to laugh at "Sir Hippie"'s post..and my husband, who was lying on the couch next to my African Grey's cage...sat up and announced, "His cage stinks. I cant stand it. I need a house by myself." And, at that- he went to the bedroom to watch teevee.

So, I take it all back.
My chicks have been in the house for almost 3 weeks and I asked him last night if he smelled them yet. "Nope..not yet" so far so good. Thank goodness for the wood pellet bedding! IT"S AWSOME!
They'll be moved to a spare (empty) bedroom that I can line the walls with plastic and the floors with paper. I can't believe how much dust they make! I picked up a wooden shipping crate today and they'll have a larger pen soon. At 2 weeks my banty's could fit through the wire of the dog crate I used for the last batch. But the orps are getting huge. I don't dare ask him to help me build anything this week. I'm waiting for the 2 feet of snow to slide off the barn roof and bury the paddock. He'll be persueded
to dig that out with the tractor. But when he sees me building things by myself, he always jumps in.
I had a hatch of chickens inside last winter. Instead of using paper or cardboard, which thay tear up when they scratch, get a piece of vinyl flooring from out of the big box stores-usually about 20 bucks.
They'll be in a brooder cage. The paper on the floor will be for dust control...I hope. I may let them out a few at a time. It is inside my house though, so I can't push my luck.

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