My drakes foot is ALWAYS bleeding??!

I just ordered Baytril since I am dealing with bumble on one of my hens[chicken] I'm thinking hers will heal with out antibiotics but I want to be ready in case I am wrong. Plus having it on hand is a good idea.

Sure hope you can get Aflac through this again for Good this time round. :hugs
Thank you soo much.. I really hope so too. Seriously I do. It breaks my heart
We weighed him the other day and he’s definitely not as heavy as I thought he was, I was very surprised to find he was only 6 pounds. So I will give him this orally like down his throat twice a day? Based on his weight? Or?

Yep! At six pounds, you would give him .3 mls twice a day.
Yep! Try to get the syringe down his esophagus a bit - go down the right side if his throat. That's his right.
Okay he fights me for it when I’ve tried to medicate him in the past, like he gets grumpy and starts biting when I try to pry his bill open, advice?!? Lol. The meds won’t be here for a couple days but still, need help lol he doesn’t like meds orally. I gotta get to work on his feet soon too
Baytril is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Yes, you would do all the usual stuff plus give the Baytril.

When it goes systemic is when it kills them. They get sick and then pass away.

It also might help knock it out since this seems to be recurring for him at this point. Kind of like treating it on two fronts.

We ordered the baytril this morning, it will be here in about three days. I’m out visiting him rn he’s not been so happy :(
So glad. I so hope it will work to rid him of it for good.
Here’s a pic of his two feet, one looks worse than the other in my opinion. The one that’s smaller looks better than the other foot

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