My drakes foot is ALWAYS bleeding??!

Okay he fights me for it when I’ve tried to medicate him in the past, like he gets grumpy and starts biting when I try to pry his bill open, advice?!? Lol. The meds won’t be here for a couple days but still, need help lol he doesn’t like meds orally. I gotta get to work on his feet soon too

You might wanna wrap him in a towel if he really fights you. What I do is hold the bird under one arm making sure its wings are pinned, then use the arm that's holding it to open its mouth - squeezing at the base of the beak usually gets the beak open and then I slide my finger in to keep it open. Then with the other hand do the medication.
Can also help to have someone hold said bird. @Pyxis when I ordered the Baytril it said put into the birds water?

I wrap in a towel and get my dh to do holding then you have 2 hands free to give meds. Maybe your mom can help you
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Okay he fights me for it when I’ve tried to medicate him in the past, like he gets grumpy and starts biting when I try to pry his bill open, advice?!? Lol. The meds won’t be here for a couple days but still, need help lol he doesn’t like meds orally. I gotta get to work on his feet soon too
Ok, here is a video I made on giving meds to my ducks. I am not sure if this would be helpful or not. But it will give you some ideas on holding the duck. Pardon the extreme tiredness, the meds and soaks can be exhausting
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Ok, here is a video I made on giving meds to my ducks. I am not sure if this would be helpful or not. But it will give you some ideas on holding the duck. Pardon the extreme tiredness, the meds and soaks can be exhausting
Waiting for it to load phones being slow lol, but trust me I know what you mean I get exhausted by the end of all of it
Ok, here is a video I made on giving meds to my ducks. I am not sure if this would be helpful or not. But it will give you some ideas on holding the duck. Pardon the extreme tiredness, the meds and soaks can be exhausting
Just watched it, that was a great demenstration I’ll give it by best go! :) My boyfriends great at getting them to take oral medications he helped teach me to deworm my turkey before he passed away. Why is it that it’s always at the right side of the throat? And yes lol your boy is so calm and great Aflac throws a big fit and makes a crazy mess HATES soaking

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