My duck is not molting


5 Years
Oct 1, 2017
Oakland CA
One of my ducks, Fiori, who has particularly ratty and dull feathers, hasn't molted. Her sister has, but I haven't noticed Fiori has shed any feathers. Does anyone know what might be going on?

She seems healthy otherwise.

Maybe she will later...molting will come when she is ready. Maybe a pic so we can see if her feathers are ok...maybe has another problem instead of not molting.
The sun is not up yet, so I can't take a recent picture, but I have a picture from August.

Her feathers used to be pretty and grey, but she developed a significant amount of white feathers. I call her the little old lady.



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She looks fine....I think her molt will come soon tho! My duck right now looks like a ragged piece of fabric...she barley has a tail feather....her molt right now is very bad...:(

Thanks! I hope she does molt. Her sister's feathers are coming in nicely, but she looks so raggedy to me.
I have a Buff duck in molt and quite a few Muscovy's in start or mid molt and still have some chickens finishing up. I don't know about where your located but we had warm temps for so long into fall this year I think it messed everyone up with molting. Now we're having very cold temps and some still working on getting in their new feathers.
I have a Buff duck in molt and quite a few Muscovy's in start or mid molt and still have some chickens finishing up. I don't know about where your located but we had warm temps for so long into fall this year I think it messed everyone up with molting. Now we're having very cold temps and some still working on getting in their new feathers.
It was a definite Indian Summer this year, until last weekend, when temps dipped. Now it's pretty chilly. I suppose that's what I am concerned about. If Fiori molts when it's cold, how will she keep warm? Admittedly it doesn't get too cold where I live, nevertheless, it does get a bit chilly.
Well she won't lose all her feathers and hopefully with the cold temps it will help her grow them in quicker one year I had a lavender cochin who was almost naked [I kid you not] I ended up putting a hen saver on her to keep her warm while her feathers grew in.

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