
Nov 2, 2017
hello it’s me again... i really need help my duck was attacked last night idk how because it got through all the stuff to not attack them but it ripped his feathers off and odom what to do ive comforted him and given him water and stuff, i just need help!!!


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I would start with a warm water bath, rinsing well to remove ANY comtaminates from the wounds.
Then isolate the birds from others and from any noise/distraction. Provide feed & water with a cap full of apple cider vinegar. Provide warmth from a heating pad or other source.

If the bleeding has stopped, you might apply a little ointment to the wounds with a Q-tip...just a little. The bird will try to peck at any excess.
If the wounds start to stay wet or ooze then they have to see a vet asap. If they are flesh wounds only then keeping them clean and the bird quiet will allow the bird to heal itself.

Warmth, isolation and above avg feed (fresh greens, vitamins) will do as much as anything. If they become infected time is short. Ducks won't act sick until they are ready to fall over.

This is what I’ve found on a post from a few years ago
He must have been grabbed through your fencing seems he would be dead if something had started eating him there. Almost looks like what ever it was possible Coon grabbed and ripped out his feathers while your duck probably tried to get away. Sound right? doesn't look like a biting wound? unless I am not able to see it.

Wash real well with soap and water or saline wash warm water salt mixed together. Rinse the wound real well. Your going to have to keep him clean and make sure none of the other birds mess with him. Does he seem shocky? You'll want to keep him warm Is he eating drinking at all if not then most likely in shock
He must have been grabbed through your fencing seems he would be dead if something had started eating him there. Almost looks like what ever it was possible Coon grabbed and ripped out his feathers while your duck probably tried to get away. Sound right? doesn't look like a biting wound? unless I am not able to see it.

Wash real well with soap and water or saline wash warm water salt mixed together. Rinse the wound real well. Your going to have to keep him clean and make sure none of the other birds mess with him. Does he seem shocky? You'll want to keep him warm Is he eating drinking at all if not then most likely in shock
he’s drinking but i’m gonna wash him off and isolate him from my other birds until he looks back to his normal self but you can tell he’s scared as can be.
After getting your drake and cleaning him up place him in a warm area inside a dog crate so he can get over shock and keep his wounds clean.

Then you need to address your set up. Hardware cloth is the only thing that will keep this from happening again Coons can reach in and not only do what we're seeing with your drake but literally ripped off the head trying to drag them through the fence.

I hope your drake heals bless his heart he looks painful :hugs

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