My ducklings didn't like bath time

thanks once again to Miss Lydia and Hollyduck. I guess each duck to their own. lol they splash and dive into a shallow pan of water when i put one in their play area. I only put them in the deeper tub when they are supervised and only for 5-7 minutes max. They love to eat grass in the play area. Should I put grit out if they are eating grass? I read they don't need it with their crumble but with anything else they do. Just a small plate of course sand right?
They pick grit up off the ground too but you can give them some grit if you like, you can buy boxed grit at the grocery store in the pet food aisle for caged birds, that way you don't have to buy a 50lb bag of it for just 2 ducklings. and just put a couple of Tab out for them beside their feed because you don't want the m filling up on the grit. I know a lot of folks think you shouldn't let ducklings that haven't feathered out swim but as long as you are there and they are in a warm environment I see no harm in it, actually it is said it helps them to start preening and get the oil gland working quicker.
I wanted to post an update of sorts: today I saw my littlest babies splashing at 1.5 weeks, no feathers, just fuzz... So I guess early swimming is ok afterall. What Miss Lydia said above, I have read that before, but I couldn't tell you where. In fact, I read that swimming will make their feathers come in.
I wanted to post an update of sorts: today I saw my littlest babies splashing at 1.5 weeks, no feathers, just fuzz... So I guess early swimming is ok afterall. What Miss Lydia said above, I have read that before, but I couldn't tell you where. In fact, I read that swimming will make their feathers come in.
I bet that was a sweet sight Holly.
I love watching my ducks. I could sit for hours. They are still slightly scared and do not like to be separated but they will have me sit beside the pen and they start talking when they see me. They preen like crazy after their bath time. I feel slightly guilty because I also got 8 chicks but I find I spend more time watching the ducks for sure. Everyone got some crumbled boiled egg today. WOW That was a hit. I made a trail for the ducks to my hand and they very timidly came and started eating it. The chicks swarmed me. Lol. No fear there. They love being in the outdoor pen I have and today they were all asleep in the sun. This is what living is all about. They are the best relaxation therapy I have ever had.!!!!
I love watching my ducks. I could sit for hours. They are still slightly scared and do not like to be separated but they will have me sit beside the pen and they start talking when they see me. They preen like crazy after their bath time. I feel slightly guilty because I also got 8 chicks but I find I spend more time watching the ducks for sure. Everyone got some crumbled boiled egg today. WOW That was a hit. I made a trail for the ducks to my hand and they very timidly came and started eating it. The chicks swarmed me. Lol. No fear there. They love being in the outdoor pen I have and today they were all asleep in the sun. This is what living is all about. They are the best relaxation therapy I have ever had.!!!!
Amen to that

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