MY ducklings randomly started acting drunk???


In the Brooder
Oct 16, 2020
MY ducklings are a month old. I took them out of the brooder to walk outside. They got in a mud puddle. Then I took them to a plastic pool and filled it up and washed them off. I put them back in the brooder under a light. About an hour later I go in to check on them and all 4 were acting as if they could not keep their balance. They act drunk. I moved them inside in the bath tub with a light and towel. They have gotten slightly better but not really. One wont keep his wings still no matter if he is awake or asleep. One keeps going backwards and acts like it is watching bugs fly above it. They are all eating and drinking alot. Could they have drank something bad in the puddle water??? How can I help them???
Were was the puddle located? This is a totally guess, but maybe something like oil or any kind of car "fluids" got into the puddle? Could anything bad have drained into the puddle from your house? Try giving them a little bit of molasses on your finger, I have heard that can be used as a flush. Are they still wet? Could they be cold/hypothermic.
Once my chickens acted "drunk" because they were wet, and had become hypothermic. @azygous @Isaac 0 @Miss Lydia
Were was the puddle located? This is a totally guess, but maybe something like oil or any kind of car "fluids" got into the puddle? Could anything bad have drained into the puddle from your house? Try giving them a little bit of molasses on your finger, I have heard that can be used as a flush. Are they still wet? Could they be cold/hypothermic.
Once my chickens acted "drunk" because they were wet, and had become hypothermic. @azygous @Isaac 0 @Miss Lydia
They have been in my bath tub with a lamp and blanket. So they are not cold. It is very possible that it could contain oil which is what I am scared of. Unfortunately all the stores around me are closed so I cant get molasses tonight.
They have been in my bath tub with a lamp and blanket. So they are not cold. It is very possible that it could contain oil which is what I am scared of. Unfortunately all the stores around me are closed so I cant get molasses tonight.
This can happen when ducklings drink a lot of cold water, and it can kill them. Get them warmed up ASAP and in the future, make sure they don't guzzle cold water.

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