My ducks first spring!

Okay, guys we could've lost Nick tonight. (The Grey) So I was watching the Calls and I see Nick eating food and a little bit later he is moving his head up and down like he is choking which he was. The only thing I could do is pray, his bill is so small that I couldn't do anything about it. And after 12 minutes he started to call for his friends! He is doing fine now, he is resting becuase he was very exhausted.

I am just so happy right now!
I'm so glad he is okay!!!!
Awwwwww, Aaron. :love I can't believe how infinitesimal the one in the middle is! :D
:lol: This is the exact reason I chose Call Ducks over Appleyards after the long battle of the breeds- the adorableness. :lol:
How old are yours now?

Everyone should have Callzzzz!
The little one is 5 days old and the other two I think are a week and a few days old.

Are they keeping him now?

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