My eggs are peeping!!!!!!

yes 1 day earily is often normal....I hope you get a wonderful hatch! I cant wait to see how many in all.
Ok I will try for pics this afternoon (my great boss is letting me take the afternoon off). We have 5 golden sebrights (they are little stinkers) and 3 RIRx red star crosses out and 1 silkie hatched this morning! It is so hard not to open the incubator.
i have a silkie that is peeping and a couple hours ago pipped! yey!

i am going to try and tuck a couple eggs under one of my silkie hens tomorrow, assuming she is still sitting on the two infertile red star eggs ;-) she wants to brood, i got eggs for her! i am actually really excited to have a broody hen.

hatching them in the bator has been stressful to me. i find i pace a lot and can't calm down, LOL! i had a couple hatch on sunday and i felt like a nervous father. all i could do was just sit and watch. i had to leave the house after awhile because i had so much adrenaline running threw my veins i could barely even sit!

good luck!!!

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