My Eye Color...

This is also more complicated than that. I'm pretty sure, for example, that if one is A and the other B, you could be AB. Not a geneticist here, though! Look it up before you get too excited!
hey, just clarification on the blood thing ( I know I didn't post it, but it's something I actually understand!lol)
A=one chemical. B=another chemical. O=lack of either chemical And AB= both chemicals
+=has a different chemical -=does not have that chemical.
If you receive blood that has a chemical that you don't, then your body won't accept it. Actually, that can be a problem in some pregnancies, when the baby has a blood type that is significantly different than the mother.
So, obviously, you can only pass on chemicals that you have. My dad is 0+. That would mean that I would have to be positive, no matter what my mother's blood type was. My mom has A+. That means that my blood type has to be A+ as well, because O is lack of a chemical, and thus gets covered up. O- can give to anybody, as it has no offending chemicals. AB+ can receive anything, because it already has all of the chemicals.
So if both of your parents were O- lets say, and you were AB+, you are a mailman's kid.
I used to know what all of the chemicals were called, but I don't anymore.
Well from the link previously posted an A type person and an O type person can possibly have an O type child. Because the A type could possibly carry the O "recessively". If not, then I definately am the mailman's My dad has A+ my mom O- and I am O-. Now granted, of the 3 kids we were able to find out the blood type, they were/are all A+, which my hubby is. (It would totally not surprise me if my dad isn't my dad. My uncle, dad's brother is O-, so is my father's mother, which is where he would have gotten the O to go with his A)
When I was in 7th grade we had to test our blood type. We all had to go home and ask our parents what blood type they were and then on the test day we had to try to figure out what combination we would be. Both my parents told me they were O. So my guess was that I would be O as well. Consider my horror when I tested in front of my whole class and came up B+!!!!

That was a very traumatic day for me in front of the whole class. Even the poor teacher was dumbfounded and felt really bad about it. I preceded to go home and drill my parents on my biological parents and where exactly did I come from. Luckily for my mother she found her donor card and discovered that she is B+ as well. It helped that the doctor who dilivered me was also our physician till I was like 15, lol.

Actually, the study cited by Wikipedia used 6 different SNPs to predict eye color with 90% accuracy. So, minimum of 6, possibly more to account for the other 10%.
Well, thank you all for a very interesting discussion! My parents both have blue eyes, my hubbies parents both have blue eyes, and all of our grandparents, a far as we can remember, had blue eyes.

My eyes are green, My DHs are blue. Our oldest two children both came out with very blue eyes. And then, we had our third child, and she has the brownest of brown eyes!
The first brown eyes for four generations....

A little weird! And, since I am the Mom, I can ASSURE you she is her daddys daughter!!
But I have wondered what other people really thought. Like my DHs family. I don't think he was really worried about it, but he teases me all the time.

So I can tell you, it DOES happen, and thank you very much for the article!!

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