My female ducks wont mate with my drake


In the Brooder
May 4, 2018
Hello! Throughout the day I will look out the window and see my drake chasing my hens but they wont let him mate. My hens are just over 2 months but they are fully grown and feathered out. The thing that bothers me is my hens are scared of him and they still cannot go in the same pen. Will my 2 month old hens start to like him or will they always be scared of him?
Your 2 month old ducks are too young to be mating they need to be laying age which is usually 4.5-5 months of age. Once they get that age they will lay down with neck extended and let him mount them, Right now you are putting them in danger if he does catch one and breed it. Their bodies are still maturing and not ready for sex. You need to keep them separated till they are older.
Your 2 month old ducks are too young to be mating they need to be laying age which is usually 4.5-5 months of age. Once they get that age they will lay down with neck extended and let him mount them, Right now you are putting them in danger if he does catch one and breed it. Their bodies are still maturing and not ready for sex. You need to keep them separated till they are older.
Thank you so much! They are all free range and the younger ones are too quick for him. Do you think I should lock anybody up? I would hate to do that though because they get mad at me.
They may not like having to be locked up but if he ever catches one it can mean serious injury or possibly death. We have to protect those under our care.
Okay! Thank you for your help. I kept the younger ones in their pin this morning and let the older ones out. Do I have to do this for another 2 months? I feel bad keeping them in such a small area but I might let them out for like 20 minutes each day while I'm out there and the older ones are in a different part of the yard.

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