My feral chicken -what breed is she?

She is likely a Brown Leghorn or mix thereof. Those look similar to Welsummer (except more brownish and have white earlobes vs. more salmon and red earlobes) and Leghorns lay white eggs.

She doesn't look particularly game-y to me, as she has a layer type body, but it is definitely possible she could have some game in her. Many games do go more feral and make excellent broodies (more so than Leghorns).

BTW, Production Reds have black trimmed tails. Red Sex Links have white trimmed tails.


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She is likely a Brown Leghorn or mix thereof. Those look similar to Welsummer (except more brownish and have white earlobes vs. more salmon and red earlobes) and Leghorns lay white eggs.

She doesn't look particularly game-y to me, as she has a layer type body, but it is definitely possible she could have some game in her. Many games do go more feral and make excellent broodies (more so than Leghorns).

BTW, Production Reds have black trimmed tails. Red Sex Links have white trimmed tails.


X2 on brown leghorn.

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