
In the Brooder
Jan 31, 2016
I have finally finished my first coop. And I'm very excited to start choosing my first group of lady's to live in it.
I have a few questions...
1. How many hens will live comfortably in a 8x6(just coop) that has I ceiling that hits 6ft.(has separate roaming yard as well).
2. Does the separate yard have to have fencing on top to prevent flying?
3.which breeds should I look at for the weather extremes of Arizona.
Hens just for eggs not meat.

Here is a link telling how many to fit in a 8x6 coop. There run doesn't have to be cover to prevent flying but you would want to cover it because of Hawks and other animals at night that can easily climb over the fence and into the run so I would cover it. You could get Rhode Island reds, black Australorp, buff Orpington, jersey Giants,barnevelder, welsummer, silkie, wyandottes there are a few more I can list if you aren't satisfied with those breeds
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Question 1 I would put 3 to 4 hens in the coop and that should still be plenty of room ...

Question 2If the hens are happy they will stay in the coop the real question is do you have any hawks in your area but a net over the top is always the safest route ..

Question 3 Well that is a hard one as I try to avoid telling some one what kind of chickens to get as that is a personal thing and I have only visited Arizona several times and do not know much about it but on the other hand I do live in Death Valley California and the chickens that do the best for me is the Easter Egger chickens as they handle the heat but you do need to keep water available at all times and shelter to get out of the sun wind and rain oh one thing in the summer try to hose down the ground it really help's the chickens cool off ......

I hope some of this helps you out a bit ....
Welcome to BYC. I think you will do best if you join your state thread - so you can ask others what breeds tolerate the heat, are good egg producers and what sort of coop you need for the climate.

Rule of thumb holds 4-5 sg.feet per bird in the coop (excluding nest boxes and roosts) and 10 sq/feet per bird in the outside run. Having a run cover will not be a mistake if it keeps out raptors and climbing or jumping predators.

I would suspect you will need shade, shade and more shade for your birds. Man made, natural, etc. whatever works. They will need plenty of cool, clean water.etc

x2 on drumstick diva's advice.

Good luck to you, hope you enjoy having chickens as much as I do!

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