My First Flock


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
My first little flock of 8 girls (hopefully all girls) is fixing to have their 6 week birthday. I'm such a happy-proud new momma. I have 2 black australorps, 2 silver laced, 2 gold laced, and 2 cinnamon queens. Their coop is nearly finished, and I'm excited (yet nervous) about the transition from being in the rubber-made brooder tote that sits in my kitchen, to placing them outside in the big world and away from me. I think I could watch them all day. wha

t's really funny to me, is how all 8 of these little girls have taken on completely different personalities.
They are all cuties! What's funny to me is that I have my 3rd "batch" of chicks down in my basement, just about 6 weeks old. Even though this is my third time, I STILL don't want to move them outside! I just wanna keep them in with me forever. :)

Welcome glad you joined us congratulations on the new babies

Welcome to BYC!

Awwww.....they are adorable!!
How do you stand all the cuteness!! If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock and enjoy your new babies!!

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