my first ostrich egg...


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
Boydton, VA (relocated from Long Island)
My Coop
My Coop
.... ummmmmmm --was gonna say i don't know IF i wanna hatch it, BUUUUUTTTTTT if i have the chance to do this,i'm gonna try.... i WOULD like any info or links that'd be helpful to a sucessful hatch.... i've got 4 brinsea (the ony reason that i'm mentrioning brand is in hopes of a successful hatch) units that i'm in the process of tweaking after false temp readings and what couldve been better hatches regarding peas and silkies ..............anyways, i don't NEED ostriches, but i WILL do my best to make 'em HAPPY (and they will be) :D ...thanks, john
Congrats on your first egg!
Well done John, why not hatch ? great fun, as long as it fits in Incubator lol. From what I heard in past, similar temp as other Ratites, emus and rheas. Temp. 36.5 degrees no higher...and 20-30% humidity. Time about 42 -44 days. Ask the egg supplier where you got egg from . But to make sure, check on internet. Lots of help there now.
Good luck with your hatch !
here is one of many

American Ostrich Association - Frequently Asked Ostrich Questions
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Well done John, why not hatch ? great fun, as long as it fits in Incubator lol. From what I heard in past, similar temp as other Ratites, emus and rheas. Temp. 36.5 degrees no higher...and 20-30% humidity. Time about 42 -44 days. Ask the egg supplier where you got egg from . But to make sure, check on internet. Lots of help there now.
Good luck with your hatch !
here is one of many

American Ostrich Association - Frequently Asked Ostrich Questions
ty for the link -- lots of good info
--- egg wouldn't fit in the brinseas, so i've had it in my LG for the past 2 weeks .. not the best, i know, but it was the only doable option ... anyway -- it's been two weeks and it's still clear --- disappointed and VERY RELEIVED at the same time -- not something i plan on trying again any time soon
Hi John worth a try lol after another 2 weeks, and still no sign of fertilty, that's it then, you can blow and decorate it, great hobby.
One of my creations
Ostrich egg, lamp and clock.
you do absolutely BEAUTIFUL work
..quite the talent!!

... but oy.... the egg's been cold for about 4 hours -- maybe i jumped the gun too soon,but i haven't seen any veining whatsoever, where as when i candle pea and silkie eggs, i'll see something by the 4th and 3rd days respectively ... if i understood some of the info right tho, i thought it said the veining happens on the yolk ----you KNOW it's going back in the bator right now ... lol ....
Thank you.

I have done this several times with Emu and Rhea eggs, impatient lol....needed space, so candled again and could not see anything on Rhea eggs, after some 38 days......put 2 to one side and 2 hours later drilled a 10mm hole to blow, but and saw feathers and breathing lol
I quickly taped ithem up and put back in Inci and they hatched a few days later lol

Eggshells are so thick and have only a home made candler, but worked well for years on 1000s of all sorts of eggs lol.

Good luck !

Rhea egg

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I think a good rule of thumb with these large eggs is to just keep an eye on them until you've got reason to believe an egg is no good.
I had given up hope on the first emu egg that I had ever incubated and quit turning if after 52 days, which included a period during a winter storm when we lost all power for several hours and the egg became cold to the touch. A few days later, I went to unplug the incubator and throw the egg away and when I opened the lid of the incubator, there was an emu chick looking up at me!!!

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