My first peafowls


It has been posted here that a developed egg will still float but will bob if there is a live chick inside.

and please post up photos of your new comers
Yes I will and thank you for the sugestion, usually I give another 2 days even after float testing I figure after being 31 days in a incubator if there going to hatch they would have then... These have full development as I see a full dark mass when I candle them. But I have had chickens do get to full development then die before hatching ,I have never understood these as I always have others that do hatch some early some late .....
Zaz I seen some that do not move but float at the correct height, so I put them back in and sometimes they hatch other times there dead fully developed chicks ....
Good deal just didn't want you to toss it and find out it was still alive, i made a wrong statement about the float test a while back and did not want someone to read it then not see my retraction about my statement that i was wrong in my post.
It will depend what the market will bare in your area and how big the breeder is, i sell any color baby here for 25 but others in my area charge by the color, like 35 for whites and 40 for pieds, i also sell 1 year old trios for 150 and in that trio there is a white, a pied and an IB split white.
I have seen 1 year old pair IB's advertised for 250 so to me it just depends on the breeder and like i said what folks are willing to pay.

My birds are totally free ranged so i do not have a bunch of pens to build and my food cost is low so i am able to keep the cost off a birds down.

Check your local adds and Craig's list and see what they are asking and go from there, shop around and be very careful who you buy from, if you go to purchase a bird and see any sick birds turn around and walk away, a sick bird should never be left with a flock and these sinus infections you see talked about on here can be contagious, not always but surely not worth the risk IMO
Thank you very much ZAZ for the info, well lets see what I end up with . I only need a male and female and I can go from there. The two that are hatching now are from different hens being a slight difference in shell color so there not related and if its all I'm going to get hatched I cross my figure for a male & female.....
Sending good hatching vibs your way i also have some hatching from the random eggs i have fpound here and their pretty sure most are from the 1 and 2 year olds as the older hens always go off and make a nest for the most part, been a race to see who finds the egg first me or my Annie girl, she does like eggs
here's a picture of the lone camper so far. Iv got bad feeling the other 5 are dead and not going to hatch I don't what went wrong here but Iv incubated many eggs and far more luck in success with healthy hatchlings that come from my birds than I do with shipped eggs . Iv have raid that peafowl are very finicky in a incubator but mine is an old one but professional grade with a top and bottom heat coil, digital temp and humidity controller and is very accurately calibrated with a wetbub gauge. now 2 out of 8 eggs have hatched so far but one them was struggling so long to get out of the shell he died after getting out. I think Im all through with buying eggs. Iv bought 5 more hatchlings to go with mine one so far. So when get old enough to lay eggs I may try once more to incubate them. Or it might do better to let one of Counchins set on them...

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