My first quilt

Yikes! I would love to join, but I think I'll practice a little bit first. I really have no clue what I'm doing yet. I want to work on one for my mother. That should take me the rest of the year sy my pace - sew two blocks, rip one, sew two blocks, rip one... well, you get the idea!

But Penny, If you come on over there (which is in the Hobbies forum) you can learn a bunch of new tricks and techniques that will help you quilt bigger and better.

I love that the thread was started. Come on over and check out all the pics and read all the information.

Hope to see you there soon.
Great job! That is a GREAT way to recycle favorite t-shirts! Can't see any mistakes from here!
I have made lots of quilts and have made mistakes in each and every one. I have finally been able to let that go knowing that NO ONE ELSE will ever notice them but me!! Your DH will never see them!!
That's a great job, especially for the first quilt! I'm with the rest of the crew here - I've never made a quilt that has no mistakes in it!

Since you mentioned having some trouble with the binding - check this link out. That tutorial is how I learned to do binding correctly and have mitered corners. Maybe it will help you, too.
Penny..... What a great quilt you made for your hubby. That reminds me that somewhere I have some of my kid's favorite childhood t-shirts that I saved to make cozy lap quilts with. Good idea using the fusible interfacing to make the fabric easier to work with.

Great tutorial, Beth. Thanks for the link.

Thank you all for the nice words and the encouragement. I've been meaning to make that lap quilt for over a year, but was worried I'd really mess it up - and he LOVED those tshirts. It really feels good to just do it!

And now I really am going to make my mother a quilt - I just need to get to a fabric store and pick everything out for it. I also ordered feet for my sewing machine to make real quilting a little easier. They should be here this week. I'm glad you are all so supportive - no doubt I'll be asking LOTS of questions - especially to Acre of Blessings who unintentionally signed up to be my mentor

Beth - thank you for that link! I had a big "DOH" moment when I read how she mitres the edges. It makes perfect since. You can not imagine how over complicated I had made it!

Thank you all!
You're welcome. I felt stupid once I realized how simple it was... I had been making it so difficult! I didn't find this until I did my 3rd quilt! So, yep, I can imagine what you went through!

I'm still learning new stuff all the time. This board has been very helpful to me!

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